fpt - Tools for Fortran Engineering - What Would You like to do to Your Code?
What would you like to do to your code?
The following facilities are currently supported in WinFPT and fpt. Follow the hyperlinks from the headings for more information. Some of the links will take you directly to the fpt reference manual.
And if you can't find what you want, please contact SimCon and we will try to help.
Error Checking
Most large programs contain errors. Sometimes they result in unexplained crashes. More often the program runs, but the results are slightly inaccurate. Inaccuracies of about 5% are quite common because they are too small to be recognised by the program authors.
Some classes of error are systematic in Fortran programs. These classes, and the fpt facilities to trap them, are described here.
The errors listed below are rarely found by Fortran compiler and linkers. fpt can show that a code is free from them.
Dead Code |
Dead Variables |
Mis-matched Arguments |
Mis-aligned Memory |
Errors in Expressions |
Errors in Names |
Errors in Physical Units and Dimensions |
Measurement and Assessment
Code metrics allow you to assess the scale of an engineering task, and the risks and cost of ownership of a software package. They are key to successful project management.
Code Metrics |
Report Generation |
Structural Engineering
With fpt, you can systematically clean up codes, enforce declarations, insert IMPLICIT NONE statements and move COMMON blocks to INCLUDE files. The variable name editing facilities make it easy to apply naming conventions. With these tools you can significantly reduce the workload and risk of future maintenance.
Declarations & Names |
COMMON Blocks |
Control Constructs |
Interactive Controller |
Correct Errors |
Software Migration
fpt converts the control and data structures found in legacy systems to modern Fortran. Many old codes are hugely valuable. With fpt you can keep them and maintain them. Our approach to migration is described here. Also, please see the notes on migration in the reference manual.
VMS Migration |
Gould-SEL Migration |
Arguments and Sub-programs |
Code Formatting |
Run-time Testing
The coverage analysis allows you to see how much of a code is actually exercised by your test suite. The trace and record/replay facilities allow you to isolate components of a code for reproducible tests, to compare runs on the new and old systems in migration, and to investigate the conditions which lead to a program crash.
Coverage Analysis |
Trace Data Flow |
With fpt you can write and maintain your code using small data access routines to encapsulate data structures, and then expand the routines in-line to achieve efficiency in production builds.
Optimisation for Speed of Execution |
Formatting and Pretty-printing
fpt contains a powerful and flexible code formatter and browser. You can switch safely and easily from FORTRAN 77 fixed format to Fortran 90 free format - and back again if you need to test on an old compiler.
Layout Conversion |
Pretty Printing |
Code Browsing |
Security - Obfuscation
Have you ever needed to send a code to a compiler vendor to analyse a problem, without giving them access to secret material? Have you ever needed to release code to be built by a third party without releasing sensitive information? With fpt, you can do this.
Make Code Unreadable |
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