fpt and WinFPT Reference Manual - Command-line Commands

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fpt renumbers all statement labels in the code.

If RENUMBER LABELS is specified labels are numbered in ascending order through all files which make up the program and every label is given a unique number. If RENUMBER LABELS IN EACH FILE is specified the labels are renumbered separately in each file. In either case the numbers start at 1000 and are incremented in steps of 100 if there are fewer than 90 labels, in steps of 50 if there are fewer than 180 labels, in steps of 20 if there are fewer than 450 labels and so on, such that the labels occupy the range 1000 to 9999.

Labels are renumbered automatically during inline expansion or unwinding of loops.

These commands may be made interactively, but renumbering is deferred until the user exits from interactive mode.


If RENUMBER LABELS is specified and the entire code contains more than 4500 labels the labels will be numbered sequentially with an increment of 1 between each label value. If there are more than 8999 labels the label values will increment past 10000. A spacing of 1 between successive label values is inconvenient when more labels need to be added.

If RENUMBER LABELS IN EACH FILE is specified no check is made in the current version of fpt that the values of labels in INCLUDE files will not clash with labels in the files which include them. However labels in INCLUDE files are rare. At present it is best not to use this command when there are labels in INCLUDE files. This will be addressed in future versions of fpt.

Where to Use this Command

Operating system command line Yes
Configuration file, config.fsp Yes
Specification (fsp) files, *.fsp Yes
Interactively, to FPT> prompt Yes
Interactive command files Yes
Embedded in the Fortran code Yes


Labels are not renumbered by default.

(Note that defaults may be changed in the configuration file).

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