WRF - Experiments in INTENT, OPTIONAL Arguments and Precision
The Experiments
This page describes a series of experiments which you may run on WRF. The experiments are controlled by scripts which call fpt to re-engineer the WRF code, build and run the re-engineered code and compare the output with the output generated by a standard UCAR WRF build. The scripts may be downloaded from this site as described below.
The experiments are:
1. | vanilla | A build of WRF re-engineered by fpt but with no engineering changes. |
2. | remove_intent | All non-mandatory INTENT declarations (about 35,000 in WRFV3.4.1) are removed. |
3. | enforce_intent_in | All violations of INTENT (IN), where the INTENT (IN) argument is written to in the code, are corrected by copying the argument concerned to a temporary variable. In both WRFV3.4.1 and WRFV3.6.1 there are 138 arguments which are affected. |
4. | check_optional | Access violations are counted for all optional arguments which are not guarded by IF (PRESENT(...)) constructs. The violations occur when the sub-program accesses the argument but it is not present at the call-site. |
5. | correct_precision | Literal numbers which are associated by assignment or by arithmetic operators to objects of higher precision are corrected to the precision of those objects. |
6. | monitor_precision | This experiment carries out the correction of precision described in 5 above. In all cases where there is a change in the value of the number concerned, a function or subroutine invocation is inserted to record that the changed value has been used. This experiment was made because the test runs on WRFV3.4.1 with em_b_wave showed no changes in results. |
More experiments will be added as they become available.
Pre-requisites for the Experiments
You will need:
The WRF Version
The scripts available here are set up for WRFV3.4.1 and WRFV3.6.1. Please note that the different versions of WRF contain different files, and the fpt scripts in the directory fpt/ in the test environment will need to be updated if other versions are used.
Downloading and Installing the Test Environment
Download and install the WRF test environment as follows:
Please examine the script tools/setup_WRFV3_fpt_test_environment.csh. It runs as follows:
If you would like to suggest improvements to this, or any other of the scripts in the tools/ directory please e-mail SimCon.
Execute the script tools/setup_WRFV3_fpt_test_environment.csh. The script has two arguments. The first is the WRF version, currently either WRFV3.4.1 or WRFV3.6.1. The second is the optional letter 's' which instructs the script to run as silemtly as possible, with minimal prompting. This script will prompt you to configure WRF. In the first instance it is probably better to set up a single processor run with no nesting. We are only going to run the ideal case em_b_wave in the first tests. Note that this setup builds and runs WRF, and will therefore take about an hour to run. For example:
$ tools/setup_WRFV3_fpt_test_environment.csh WRFV3.6.1 s
At the end of this script the test environment working directory contains:
fpt/ | Scripts for fpt to re-engineer the WRF code |
fpt_build_environment/ | |
WRFV3/ ... | Directories where the re-engineered code will be built |
fpt_output/ | |
WRFV3/ ... | Directories where fpt will re-write the re-engineered code |
modified_build_files_WRFV3.4.1/ | |
WRFV3/ ... | Small changes to the UCAR Makefiles for the fpt build |
modified_build_files_WRFV3.6.1/ | |
WRFV3/ ... | Small changes to the UCAR Makefiles for the fpt build |
modified_source_minimal_WRFV3.4.1/ | |
WRFV3/ ... | A small group of Fortran files modified by hand |
modified_source_minimal_WRFV3.6.1/ | |
WRFV3/ ... | A small group of Fortran files modified by hand |
run_tests_<version>/ | |
WRFV3/ ... | The main/, run/ and test/ directories for running WRF |
tools/ | The csh scripts which run the experiments |
UCAR_clean_build_<version>/ | |
WRFV3/ ... | A standard build of WRF (With ideal set up for em_b_wave) |
UCAR_not_built_<version>/ | |
WRFV3/ | The UCAR WRF distribution with no changes |
wrf_analyses.tar.gz | The file downloaded to set up the environment |
WRFV3.4.1.TAR.gz | The WRF version 3.4.1 distribution |
or | |
WRFV3.6.1.TAR.gz | The WRF version 3.6.1 distribution and |
mediation_feedback_domain.F.fix_3.6.1 |
The Experiments
The experiments on WRF are each run by a single, one line command made in the main test environment directory, wrf_fpt . The commands are:
$ tools/WRFV3_fpt_experiment.csh WRFV3.6.1 vanilla
$ tools/WRFV3_fpt_experiment.csh WRFV3.6.1 remove_intent
$ tools/WRFV3_fpt_experiment.csh WRFV3.6.1 enforce_intent_in
$ tools/WRFV3_fpt_experiment.csh WRFV3.6.1 check_optional
$ tools/WRFV3_fpt_experiment.csh WRFV3.6.1 correct_precision
$ tools/WRFV3_fpt_experiment.csh WRFV3.6.1 monitor_precision
Where WRFV3.6.1 may be replaced by WRFV3.4.1 for experiments on that version.
Please examine the script WRFV3_fpt_experiment. Again, if you would like to suggest improvements, please e-mail SimCon.
The script runs as follows:
Experiment 1 - vanilla
When fpt processes WRF it re-writes and re-formats every single line of the Fortran code. The code is re-written to files with the same names as the original files, and the organisation of the cpp pre-processor commands in the code is preserved. The vanilla experiment is run for two reasons:
Experiments 2 and 3 - remove_intent and enforce_intent_in
WRF contains a large number of errors where sub-program arguments declared INTENT (IN) are written to. These experiments show that:
However, the situation is unsatisfactory. The issue is discussed in detail in the WRF - Errors in INTENT Declarations page.
Experiment 4 - check_optional
If an optional sub-program argument is not present in a call to its sub-program and is accessed within the sub-program code, an access violation occurs. This is prevented by enclosing accesses to optional arguments in sections of code guarded by (IF (PRESENT(...)) constructs.
In WRF there are a large number of optional arguments which are not guarded in this way. For further discussion, please see WRF Optional Arguments.
In this experiment, code is inserted to count the accesses to missing optional arguments at run-time. In the ideal case em_b_wave no accesses to missing optional arguments are detected.
Experiments 5 and 6 - correct_precision and monitor_precision
WRF contains a large number of cases where single precision numbers are used in expressions with double precision variables. For example, in WRFV3/dyn_em/module_advect_em.F :
f0 = 1./3.*qim2-7./6.*qim1+11./6.*qi
f1 = -1./6.*qim1+5./6.*qi+1./3.*qip1
f2 = 1./3.*qi+5./6.*qip1-1./6.*qip2
the variables f0, f1 and f2 are DOUBLE PRECISION but the numbers 1., 6. and 3. are single precision. fpt may be used to change the precision of real numbers to the highest precision of the objects to which they are connected by assignment or by arithmetic or relational operators. The experiment correct_precision makes this change.
Surprisingly, this does not change the output generated by em_b_wave. The issue is discussed in detail in the WRF Precision of Numbers page. The monitor_precision experiment shows that the simple test case, em_b_wave, does not visit any of the changed numbers.
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