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fpt - Example Report: Shared Memory Interfaces

An fpt project may contain multiple programs, and this is important where programs share memory. The report shows the COMMON block shared memory interfaces between programs and the objects imported and exported by each program.

The fpt command to generate the report is:


Shared Memory Interfaces for PROGRAM ssa ======================================== COMMON /chars/ is shared Objects imported into ssa ------------------------- Name Address Size ---- ------- ---- dict 0 10000 Total size 10000 Objects exported from ssa ------------------------- None COMMON /ir/ is shared Objects imported into ssa ------------------------- Name Address Size ---- ------- ---- symtab 0 80000 prog 80000 160000 xrftab 240000 80000 nir 320000 4 nsym 320004 4 nxr 320008 4 Total size 320012 Objects exported from ssa ------------------------- Name Address Size ---- ------- ---- symtab 0 80000 prog 80000 160000 xrftab 240000 80000 nir 320000 4 nsym 320004 4 nxr 320008 4 Total size 320012 Grand total memory imported: 330012 Grand total memory exported: 320012

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