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fpt - Example Report: Resource Listing

The report shows the resources used internally by fpt. Please contact SimCon if any are exhausted.

The fpt command to generate the report is:


Resource Available Used Remaining Percentage Memory buffers 2500 34 2466 98.64 Files 1 Sub-programs 1 Statements 6 Symbol table 3 Name table 4 Statement label table 1 COMMON block table 1 Array dimension table 1 Cross reference table 2 Other linked lists 1 Real numbers 0 Program code 13 Disk buffer records 2500 4 2496 99.84 Comment records 4 Disk record accesses 41 Dictionary character storage 2000000 15507 1984493 99.22 Input lines processed 3044 Code lines 1795 Comment lines 1249 Statements 1568 ******************************************************************************* Execution Time FSMINI - Initialisation 0.06 READDP - Analysis of DATAPOOL Listing 0.00 LEXER - Lexical analysis 0.27 SSA - Static semantic analysis 0.17 IGNMSZ - Ignoring defaulting of sizes 0.00 FSWRSM - Writing of symbol table 0.22 FSWRCM - Writing of COMMON allocation 0.05 SHOSBP - Report of sub-programs 0.28 COMPSI - Comparison of sub-programs 0.00 FPTCAL - Report of call structure 0.11 CONLIN - Checking of continuation lines 0.00 FPTSIZ - Data size conversion 0.00 CHANGE - Systematic code changes 0.00 DECALL - Revision of declarations 0.00 CHAPAR - Revision PARAMETER declarations 0.00 RENSYM - Renaming of symbols 0.00 ACCDBA - Building access database 0.00 INSRTT - Inserting run-time trace 0.00 ALICHK - Alignment check 0.00 EQVCHK - Equivalence check 0.00 NAMCHK - Name usage consistency check 0.00 ARGCHK - Argument consistency check 0.00 USECHK - Symbol usage check 0.00 TYPCHK - Data type coercion check 0.00 FPTINL - Sub-program inline expansion 0.00 DADICT - Construction of Data Dictionary 0.00 NMLGEN - Building NAMELIST for COMMONS 0.00 UNWIND - Unwinding of DO loops 0.00 FPTRNL - Renumbering of labels 0.00 ADPART - AD100 Partitioning 0.00 FSWRIT - Writing of output 0.66 RESRPT - Resource reporting 0.06 Total Elapsed Time 172.48 Diagnostic Summary Total diagnostics 0 Highest severity 0 Code Quality Index Error weighting 10 Total lines 3044 Index per 1000 lines 0.000 No errors detected End of processing

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