fpt and WinFPT Reference Manual - Command-line Commands

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The commands INDENT COMMENTS and COMMENTS AS WRITTEN instruct fpt whether or not to indent line comments to the same column as the Fortran code, according to the following rules:

  1. The comment delimiter remains in column 1.
  2. If the code is written in free format, or the first printing character after column 1 of the original comment occurs after column 6 or after the first TAB character, the first printing character is indented to the same depth as the Fortran code.
  3. If the the code is written in fixed format and the first printing character after column 1 of the original comment occurs in or before column 6, and before the first TAB character, the comment is transcribed in the original position.

These commands do not change the indentation of comments in the file header. Indentation of header comments is controlled by the command [DO NOT] INDENT HEADER COMMENTS. The file header consists of comment and blank lines which precede the first code statement in a file other than a PROGRAM, MODULE, BLOCK DATA, SUBROUTINE, FUNCTION, OPTIONS, OPTION or PAGE statement.

The command COMMENTS AS WRITTEN or DO NOT INDENT COMMENTS instruct fpt to transcribe line comments to the same columns as in the original source, regardless of the indentation of the code.

Where to Use this Command

Operating system command line Yes
Configuration file, config.fsp Yes
Specification (fsp) files, *.fsp Yes
Interactively, to FPT> prompt Yes
Interactive command files Yes
Embedded in the Fortran code Yes



(Note that defaults may be changed in the configuration file).

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