fpt and WinFPT Reference Manual - Command-line Commands

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fpt and WinFPT Installation under Microsoft Windows

Command-line fpt

Command-line fpt is distributed as a compressed Windows tar file named fptwin64_<version>.tar (e.g. fptwin64_4.2-q.tar). Please unpack the tar file in a temporary directory. This will unpack the files fptwin64.tar, also a compressed tar file, and setup.bat. Execute setup.bat in the temporary directory. The setup script will prompt for the target installation directory and for the location of the licence file, user.fsp. Installation may be made to any directory on the machine. There is no requirement to install it under Program Files or on the C: drive, and it is better to avoid paths which contain white space characters. The temporary files may be deleted after installation.

Add the installation directory, fpt, to your execution path.

If you are updating an existing installation setup.bat will merge the distribution files into the existing installation directories taking care to preserve your existing copies of user.fsp, config.fsp and all other fsp files. Then use the command fpt_select to select the new fpt version.


The WinFPT distribution is a self-extracting executable which installs both WinFPT and 32-bit command-line fpt. Please launch it by double-clicking the file in Windows Explorer.

The installation program, which is built under Inno Setup, prompts for further information.

Licence Keys

The distribution does not contain a licence key, and WinFPT will prompt for a key when you run it for the first time. If you downloaded the software and requested a licence key it will have been generated automatically and e-mailed to you. If you did not request a key, you may return to the download page and request one now, or contact SimCon to request a key. The key is in a file named user.fsp. Copy this file to the main fpt installation directory which is named fpt or WinFPT. To issue a key, we ask for the following information:

The licence key generated automatically lasts for 3 days, and is provided so that you can start using fpt at once.

To test the installation, please build one of the example programs. Please contact SimCon at enquiries@simconglobal.com if you experience problems.

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