fpt and WinFPT Reference Manual - Command-line Commands

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ftm - Fortran Template Files

ftm files are Fortran code files which are used to set up the characteristics of sub-programs for which the source code is not available. They are written with conventional Fortran syntax. The file name extension is ".ftm" which may be written in upper, lower or mixed case. The files are read by fpt, but are not written in the fpt output.

ftm files serve very much the same function as Fortran 90 INTERFACE blocks. They differ from INTERFACE blocks in that:

Several ftm files are distributed with fpt, in the sub-directory ftm of the main installation directory. These show the interfaces for Gould-SEL (Encore) concept series library routines and VMS library routines.


The code below is part of concept.ftm, distributed in the fpt/ftm sub-directory.

C ***************************************************************************** C concept.ftm 23-Aug-01 John Collins C 4-Sep-02 John Collins C C 4-Sep-02 John Collins All routines except BUFFER* and X_* checked against C the technical manual. C 5-Sep-02 John Collins Optional label arguments marked C C ***************************************************************************** C INTEGER*4 FUNCTION ADDR(V_ARG1) C C Returns address of operand C INTEGER*4 V_ARG1 C% VARIANT V_ARG1 C END ! ADDR ************************************************************ C C C ***************************************************************************** C C Note: August 79 F77 manual gives 4 arguments. The TRCR code implies C that there are two trailing optional labels. SUBROUTINE BUFFERIN(C_ARG1,J_ARG2,C_ARG3,J_ARG4,*,*) C CHARACTER*(*) C_ARG1 C% INTENT (IN) C_ARG1 C% REFERENCE C_ARG1 C% VARIANT C_ARG1 INTEGER*4 J_ARG2 C% INTENT (IN) J_ARG2 CHARACTER*(*) C_ARG3(*) C% REFERENCE C_ARG3 C% VARIANT C_ARG3 INTEGER*4 J_ARG4 C% INTENT (IN) J_ARG4 C% OPTIONAL LABEL ARGUMENT 5 C% OPTIONAL LABEL ARGUMENT 6 C END ! BUFFERIN ********************************************************

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