An Example DATAPOOL Declaration
SUBROUTINE WHREACT(WH,WHFORCE) C C Oleo force, wheel C COMMON /DATAPOOL/ SHIPP, SHIPQ, SHIPTH, 1 SHIPPHI, DECKHT, H, HDOT, X, Y, P, Q, 1 SHIPX, SHIPY, SHIPPHI, GHMAX, 1 WHEELX(3), WHEELY(3), WHEELH(3) C C Find vehicle position in ship coordinates (X fore-aft) XSH = (X-SHIPX) * SIN(SHIPPHI) YSH = (Y-SHIPY) * COS(SHIPPHI) C Deck height, corrected for pitch (neglect roll) CDKHT=DECKHT+XSH*SIN(SHIPTH) HSH = H - CDKHT C C Quit if gear is clear of deck IF (HSH .GT. GHMAX) THEN WHFORCE=0.0 RETURN ENDIF C : :
The DATAPOOL actually contains thousands of variables, but the routine only references those which it needs. They are not referenced in address order. The addresses are known to the operating system.
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